Accountancy & Legal

Every start-up / new business needs a reliable and trustworthy accountant to help them on their journey from inception to growth and beyond. There are so many software packages available for the recording of transactions, but the real value often lies with having a good accountant, with a human face, who you can talk to from whom you can get proactive advice, based upon their experience of helping businesses like yours.

Questions such as: Do you need to register for SEIS / EIS ? How do I employ someone? Do I need to set up and operate a PAYE scheme ? Register for VAT ? Deal with HMRC ?

You will need a reliable accountant who charges fairly and can guide you before you make mistakes which are avoidable and time-consuming, being costly to rectify later.

It is for this reason we have negotiated unique arrangements for our start-ups to have access to exactly the right support from an experienced accountancy firm ( as part of our offering. The first hour is free and you will get a lot of very useful information and support to help you on your way. Who said nothing is free! Have a look at their web site on and ask for a free extended consultation using our promotion code “SAJ”.

Dawn and Co offer a particularly excellent service to start-ups and early-stage ventures. They tailor an advisory package to suits start-ups need, with the emphasis on value, so you can focus on your building the business and keep costs to a minimum. They also provide an introduction to Legal advisors with whom they have worked with for a few years ensuring you get a suite of services that you need with a focus on your needs and the value it brings.